The transition from European trains to soul trains has taken awhile but I'm finally back to making tracks again on the written page as I process where I've been and where my path will lead in the future (wow, that sounded pretty deep). Sorry it's taken so long. I'll get back to blogging more consistently.
So, October is my favorite month not only because of autumn, pumpkin flavors, and the anticipation of the holidays, but it's also proven to be a big month of change for me. I've felt those winds of change again this year and I'm not exactly sure what that entails yet but I've already sat on a couch made completely of grass, disinfected my room (most especially my bed), and joined a rocktoberfest band. I played the djembe. It was magically fun.
I'm also back to substitute teaching and only felt the urge to strangle some kids once this month (don't be alarmed - that's actually pretty amazing.) What I really want to know by the end of next month is who my true friends are so if I do strangle some kids I know who will visit me in jail. (This could be pretty incriminating so I better clarify that I am not being serious.) Much to my father's delight, I also qualify for really good health insurance now, so maybe my "not real job" isn't so bad after all. For those who keep wondering, I'm not sure how much longer I'll continue substituting. I'm definitely not planning on making a career of it. I plan to do it until I can finish up the last revision of my children's novel (hopefully by spring) and then we'll take it from there. I've also mentioned I feel pretty done with LA and the city and don't anticipate living here that much longer. But who knows? The winds of change could blow anywhere. I have to say life is surprisingly good right now and I'm enjoying the freedom of living it.